January 2025

Recent Op-Eds
By Melanie Bowen | Sunday, December 8, 2024
Cannon’s legacy reminds us that when women lead, families, communities and nations flourish. During his decades in public service, Sen. Hatch understood and championed that truth.
By Matt Sandgren & Devin Wiser | Monday, October 21, 2024
The eruption of protest has left many students wondering whether their voices can be heard through all the noise. As university administrators grapple with maintaining necessary order, a fundamental question remains: Can we protect free speech on campus while fostering an environment of respect?
By Senator Gordon H. Smith and Martin B. Gold | Monday, October 7, 2024
Bare majorities should not be deciding questions of fundamental change for our country. The goal should be to pass broadly popular legislation, not the most extreme policy that can get through with the narrowest possible vote. The filibuster requires senators to pursue the former approach, at least if they want their bills to become law.
By Senators Sheldon Whitehouse & Bill Cassidy | Thursday, August 1, 2024
America was founded by extraordinary individuals who engaged in spirited debate and then came together to build a more perfect union. That was true 248 years ago, and it is still our ideal today. Solution-oriented leaders who are willing to work across the aisle can work through differences through respectful, robust debate.
Featured Op-Ed
Hatch Center on the Fragmentation of America
With everyone’s liberty threatened by cancel culture, it’s time to restore freedom to academia. Senator Hatch tells us how.